Do you have a great idea for a new graduate student or postdoc initiative? Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies wants to hear it!
Submit your ideas to GradStarter!
GradStarter is designed to help fund pilot projects that are innovative, promote academic achievement, and intellectually engage Rice graduate students and postdocs in your program and beyond.
GradStarter has funded several student-driven projects, such as the BRC Innovation Symposium, the Vagantes Conference, and the Ethnography Salon, to name a few. These projects creatively brought together students, postdocs, and scholars from diverse backgrounds to forge new connections while promoting academic and professional development.
Why should you submit a project?
GradStarter is a great opportunity for you to test your idea: gauge interest, obtain feedback, and connect with people and resources on campus to make your idea a reality.
Proposals are due November 15th.
Submit your proposal at
Proposal Guidelines: