Tag Archives: startups

TMC Startup Career Fair – February 12, 2016

Startup Career Fair makes it easy for students and professionals to find new, exciting opportunities where they can make an impact, and gives startups access to the talent they need to grow. More information about the startups and available opportunities can be found on the event website.

The third annual Startup Career Fair will take place Friday, February 12, 2016 from 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. at TMCx (2450 Holcombe Boulevard, Houston, TX 77021).

Interested students, alumni and professionals can learn more and register online through Friday, February 5.


OwlSpark Info Session: Discover how we help startup teams turn tech innovations into businesses!

Are you an entrepreneurial-minded student, recent alumni, faculty or staff member with an innovative technology or business idea?

Are you interested in launching your own tech startup?

Join us for the OwlSpark Information Session on Monday, December 7 at 7:00 p.m. in Willy’s Pub to learn more about the Rice University accelerator program and how we help startup teams turn ideas into businesses. Chow down, get intel on the Summer 2016 program and application process, ask questions, and meet OwlSpark alumni. Even if you don’t have an innovative technology or business idea, this is a great opportunity to network with like-minded individuals to share ideas and discuss interests. Also, we’ll feed you, so come hungry!

Reserve your spot at http://owlsparkinfosession.eventbrite.com.

More information at Owlspark Info Session.

Can’t make it? Subscribe to the OwlSpark mailing list (http://bit.ly/OwlSparkComm) and we’ll keep you in the loop.


The OwlSpark accelerator is an intense, immersive 12-week summer experience for up to ten Rice University startup teams. A full-time program that includes intensive mentoring, curriculum and exposure to Houston’s best resources, the accelerator program is designed to help Rice students, faculty, staff, and recent alumni launch companies based on their innovative technologies or business ideas.

Contact: Jessica, jef4@rice.edu

Ignite 2016: Silicon Valley Entrepreneurship Trek: Wednesday – Saturday, March 2-5, 2016


Attention, Engineering Grad Students!

Join the RCEL-Rice Alliance Spring Break entrepreneurship trek to Silicon Valley. Apply now to participate in the 2016 Ignite trek for the opportunity to meet successful and up-and-coming entrepreneurs, and to visit startups, high-tech companies, and VC firms in Silicon Valley! Wednesday – Saturday, MARCH 2-5, 2016. RCEL will support up to 12 Rice engineering graduate students and 3 undergraduate students by paying for their conference fee and hotel, and providing $300 toward travel. (Students pay the balance of their travel expenses and some meal expenses.)

Ignite Trek Schedule:

  • Day 1: Wednesday, March 2 – Travel day & Opening reception (6:00pm at UC Davis Campus)
  • Day 2: Thursday, March 3 – Field trips to Start-ups/High-tech companies/VC firms
  • Day 3: Friday, March 4 – Entrepreneurial Guest Speakers (UC Davis Campus)
  • Day 4: Saturday, March 5 – Entrepreneurial Guest Speakers (UC Davis Campus). Closing dinner.

We require all Ignite participants to participate fully in all Ignite activities from March 2-5, 2016.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: 5:00 P.M. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2015. A limited number of candidates will be accepted to participate. Students will be notified by January 2, 2016.

APPLY NOW at: http://www.rcelconnect.org/ignite2016/

Contact: Amanda Prestia, aprestia@rice.edu