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Tag Archives: Versatile Phd
Versatile PhD Discussion Panel: HSS Careers in Think Tanks, March 6-10
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Versatile PhD Panel Discussion: STEM Careers in Conservation, FEB 6-10
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Versatile PhD Discussion Panel: HSS Careers in Cultural Resource Management, NOV 14-18
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Versatile PhD Discussion Panel: Careers in Language Translation, Sept 19-23
Versatile PhD: Online panel happening NOW: Careers in Technical Writing
Humanities and Social Science Graduate Students and Postdocs:
Panel this week at Versatile PhD: Careers in Technical Writing. Panelists:
• A Chinese Religions ABD who managed translation and localization for a tech company doing business in China and is now Technical Communicator at business software company
• A Cultural Studies PhD who adjuncted for two years and then switched to technical writing, currently working as Technical Writer at a health care software company
• A Philosophy of Education PhD with a long history in different technical writing roles, currently working as Lead Technical Writer at a major Canadian online retailer
• A recent Comparative Literature PhD who jumped directly from graduation into her current position as Technical Writer at a business software company that serves law firms specifically
• A recent English PhD who freelanced as a technical and medical writer during grad school and is now Technical Writer at a well-known consumer goods retailer
Discussion continues through Friday, March 18. Read and participate directly on the site, or get email notifications. OK to invite friends; anyone may register on VPhD for free and enjoy this great web-based discussion. Threaded discussion board format; participate anytime during the week.
Get started at our VPhD access portal: Once you reach VPhD, sign in and find the discussion in the Humanities/Social Science forum.
People like you have said:
“VPhD is a great resource for those exploring non-academic jobs. With regular panels on non-academic careers, a very active forum discussing important matters in a very collegial manner and a website full of resources, VPhD makes me feel part of a community. I don’t feel lonely anymore.”
“The panels are terrific! I could spend the whole day reading them. It makes me feel not so alone in my non-academic job search.”
“The panel discussions bring in people I would never have found on my own. Hearing about different pathways to an alt-ac career narrated by smart, empathetic and compassionate individuals has been infinitely encouraging when making the difficult transition out of the academy.”
vphd monthly Careers in Software Development, and Looking for You
Versatile PhD Monthly Message
Hello Versatile Ones,
We hope you are making progress towards all of your goals, including nonacademic goals.
Next week (Feb 22-26) in the STEM forum, learn about Careers in Software Development from seven great panelists, all STEM PhDs working in software, yet in different kinds of companies (not just software companies) and in a surprising variety of different roles. More:
Versatile PhD is looking for PhDs and ABDs who might be willing to write about their experiences transitioning into non-academic careers. Are you working in any of these fields?
Looking for Humanities & Social Science PhDs currently working in:
PUBLISHING (all roles, not just editor; need educational and trade publishing as well as academic)
E-LEARNING & INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN (all roles needed, whether new to field or been in it for a long time)
CONSULTING (management consulting or higher ed consulting; post-2013 hires especially needed)
LAW (including roles that do not require law school, such as paralegal; post-2013 hires especially needed)
PROGRAM EVALUATION (coming from any discipline other than Program Evaluation; post-2013 hires especially needed)
RESEARCH ADMINISTRATION (post-2013 hires especially needed)
Looking for STEM PhDs currently working in:
ENTREPRENEURSHIP OR STARTUPS (post-2013 hires especially needed)
E-LEARNING & INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN (post-2013 hires especially needed)
INDUSTRY (whether you are new to industry or been in it a long time)
TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER (pre-2010 hires especially needed)
PATENT LAW (all roles, including roles not requiring law school; whether you are new to patent law or been in it a long time)
K-12 TEACHING (public, private, charter schools; post-2013 hires especially needed)
MARKETING (post-2013 hires especially needed)
RESEARCH ADMINISTRATION (all settings – academic, government and elsewhere; post-2013 hires especially needed)
If you see yourself in that wish list and you might be willing to write about your experiences for the Versatile PhD audience, awesome, please kindly email me your LinkedIn profile: All messages will be gratefully acknowledged, even if you are not invited to write.
Looking forward to hearing from some of you, I remain
Your Loving Founder,
Paula Chambers
Versatile PhD Online panel discussion: Careers in Software Development (2/22-2/26)
STEM Postdocs:
Versatile PhD will host a free virtual panel discussion on Careers in Software Development, February 22-26. Panelists:
- An Applied Mathematics PhD who has worked in software development for many years as a developer and Team Lead, and is now Technical Project Manager at a legal software company
- A Biophysics PhD who is a Scientific Software Developer at a mathematical computing software company
- A Genetics PhD who does Business Development, Sales Engineering, and Technical Account Management at an enterprise software company while also adjuncting on the side
- An Applied Mathematics PhD who adjuncted briefly before becoming a Software Developer at General Motors
More information here:
You can interact with panelists throughout the week on the site, or follow the discussion via email. All questions welcome, from the most general to the very specific.
People like you have said:
“VPhD is a great resource for those exploring non-academic jobs. With regular panels on non-academic careers, a very active forum discussing important matters in a very collegial manner and a website full of resources, VPhD makes me feel part of a community. I don’t feel lonely anymore.”
“The panels are terrific! I could spend the whole day reading them. It makes me feel not so alone in my non-academic job search.”
“The panel discussions bring in people I would never have found on my own. Hearing about different pathways to an alt-ac career narrated by smart, empathetic and compassionate individuals has been infinitely encouraging when making the difficult transition out of the academy.”
Online panel happening NOW: Careers in Business
Humanities and Social Science Graduate Students and Postdocs:
Panel this week on Versatile PhD: Careers in Business. Panelists:
· An English PhD who went into training, learning and development in the corporate sphere and is now Senior Director, Leadership and Organizational Development for 7-Eleven
· A Communication Studies PhD who went into consulting, then sales, and is now Sales Strategy and Development Leader at PricewaterhouseCoopers
· A recent English and American Literature PhD (2011) who left adjuncting to join the Internal Communications Team at Nestle Purina Petcare
· A History and Philosophy of Science PhD who after a few years as postdoc and adjunct, got into market entry planning and is now Partner in a consulting firm that focuses on the U.S. renewable energy market
Discussion continues through Friday, January 29. Read and participate directly on the site, or get email notifications. OK to invite friends; anyone may register on VPhD for free and enjoy this great web-based discussion. Threaded discussion board format; participate anytime during the week.
Get started at our VPhD access portal: Once you reach VPhD, sign in and find the discussion in the Humanities/Social Science forum.
People like you have said:
“VPhD is a great resource for those exploring non-academic jobs. With regular panels on non-academic careers, a very active forum discussing important matters in a very collegial manner and a website full of resources, VPhD makes me feel part of a community. I don’t feel lonely anymore.”
“The panels are terrific! I could spend the whole day reading them. It makes me feel not so alone in my non-academic job search.”
“The panel discussions bring in people I would never have found on my own. Hearing about different pathways to an alt-ac career narrated by smart, empathetic and compassionate individuals has been infinitely encouraging when making the difficult transition out of the academy.”