Childcare search tool for Postdocs

Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies has subscribed to a database of childcare centers in the area. The resource comes from Collaborative for Children.

This resource is available to all of our graduate students and postdocs, but please note that our subscription did not include permissions for Rice non-postdoc staff members or Rice faculty.

The password is “owls01”, any email address will work. Please help us get the word to all graduate student and postdoc parents. Many child care centers have waiting lists and it can be important to find childcare well before the child’s start date.

REMS CPR/First Aid Classes

Dear Rice Community,

Rice EMS will be offering one more CPR class and one more First Aid class in addition to its other classes this fall. The CPR class will be on Nov 13 from 12p-4p, and the First Aid class will be held on Nov 6 from 12p-4p. There is still space available in our other classes this semester as well so if you are interested you can sign up for those as well! The CPR courses will cover the American Heart Association’s Heartsaver curriculum designed for lay rescuers which includes: 1) adult/child/infant CPR, 2) AED use, 3) rescue breathing, and 4) choking. The First Aid courses will cover the basic steps that should be taken for medical emergencies, including allergic reactions, cuts, choking, and more. These classes last four hours in duration. Upon satisfactory course completion, students will receive a certification card that is valid for two years. If you require both CPR-AED and First Aid training, you will need to enroll in both of the offered courses.

The cost for Rice students/faculty/staff is $10 per person. For non-Rice individuals, the cost is $30 per person. Registration fees are non-refundable.

Available Courses:


Saturday, October 8 from 12p-4p

Wednesday, November 9 from 6p-10p

Sunday, November 13 from 12p-4p

First Aid

Saturday, October 29 from 12p-4p

Sunday, November 6 from 12p-4p

If you would like to sign up, please sign up through this link remscpr if you have any questions or concerns.

National Postdoctoral Association (NPA) Resources

As you may know our institution is a sustaining member of the National Postdoctoral Association (NPA) and one of the greatest benefits is you can become an affiliate member of the NPA for free! We encourage everyone to take advantage of this opportunity to help you network with other postdocs across the country and gain access to members only resources that can help further your career.

Signing up is simple. Click on this link Your Affiliate Memberships Direct Link here> and follow the registration process. Once you click Submit the NPA Membership Manager will review your affiliate membership within 5 working days, and you will receive an email when it has been approved.

As an NPA Affiliate Member, you are entitled to these benefits:

  • Subscriptionto NPA e-alerts, a periodic news announcement, and The POSTDOCket, the NPA’s official quarterly newsletter
  • Reduced registration feesto the NPA Annual Meeting & eligibility for the NPA travel award program
  • Access to members-only NPA web content, such as career planning resources and policy information
  • Access toNPA member groups to connect & network with fellow NPA members
  • Discounts to some services and products.
  • Opportunities to serve and contributeyour expertise on a variety of NPA committees
  • National representation on postdoctoral issues

Science Olympiad Event – needs volunteers

On behalf of Rice University’s chapter of the Science Olympiad Alumni Association, we request your support for our upcoming tournament on November 12. This will involve either writing the tests or coming on campus on the day of the tournament and proctor them, or both. We believe that you will be an inspiration for students to continue pursuing careers in STEM, as well as develop interest in coming to Rice University. We greatly appreciate any help you can provide. Please email us before October 1, 2016 at ricesoaa to indicate if you can write tests (prior to 11/12) or proctor (on 11/12), or both.

Science Olympiad is a non-profit organization that seeks to improve science education among K-12 students by hosting the most prestigious science competition in the nation. The Science Olympiad Alumni Association is a student organization that seeks to render STEM subjects as an accessible and inviting field to high school students. Our leaders have previously participated, enjoyed, and learned from Science Olympiad and would like to give back to the scientific community by hosting our own Science Olympiad invitational tournament at Rice University. This tournament will be attended by schools from the Houston area and teams from the entire nation.

More information can also be found these websites: . A list of events we are going to host and brief description for each event can be found on the bottom of this email.

Thanks so much for your time,

The Science Olympiad Alumni Association
Felix Wu

Postdoctoral Fellowships for Academic Diversity at the University of Pennsylvania & CHOP, Application Deadline, Nov. 15th 2016

Postdoctoral Fellowships for Academic Diversity at the University of Pennsylvania and Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

The Postdoctoral Fellowship for Academic Diversity Program is a competitive program whose goal is to increase the diversity of the community of scholars devoted to academic research at both the University of Pennsylvania and The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP). Both organizations seek to attract promising researchers and educators from different backgrounds, races, ethnic groups, and other diverse populations whose life experience, research experience and employment background will contribute significantly to their academic missions. Fellowships are available for postdoctoral training in all areas of study at either Penn or CHOP. Successful candidates will receive mentored scholarly and research training as well as courses and workshops to enhance their research success skills and prepare them for a faculty position in a major university.


• Graduate students from Penn and other institutions who have completed, or will complete their requirements for Ph.D. by the Fellowship start date

• Postdoctoral scholars from other institutions who have completed their dissertation within the last three years

• Professional applicants (M.D., D.M.D., V.M.D., J.D., etc.) within a year of completing their post-degree professional training

• Candidates must be US citizens or permanent residents.

• Postdocs, residents and fellows who currently have a position at Penn or CHOP are ineligible for this program


Fellows receive a stipend of $50,000 a year in year 1 with $2,000 increments in years 2 and 3, as well as annual allowances for travel ($2,000) and research ($5,000), and a one-time relocation expense of up to $5,000. The University and CHOP also provide a medical, vision, dental and life insurance benefits package.

Successful candidate will receive highly mentored scholarly and research training as well as courses and workshops to enhance their research skills and prepare them for faculty positions in a major university.

Start dates will be arranged in consultation with the faculty mentor to begin as early as July 2017.


Josie Rook

Office of the Vice Provost for Research
University of Pennsylvania
ph: 215.898.1572


The National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) Postgraduate Research Program (PGRP), managed by the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education, is a high-intensity program designed to not only identify recent master’s and doctoral graduates of high promise, but to continue developing advanced research skills within those graduates. It allows the postgraduate researcher to systematically outline career goals and helps provide the means of achieving these goals. One way the program helps to achieve these goals is the critical interaction with NETL principal investigators, who become the postgraduate’s mentor. This interaction affords the postgraduate researcher a unique opportunity to define and structure his or her investigations, to establish a research paradigm, and to publish results– all critical skills needed to become an independent scientist or engineer. See the NETL On-Site Research Core Competencies.


  • Carbon Management
  • Chemical Reaction Engineering
  • Combustion Science
  • Computational Research
  • Environmental Science
  • Fuel Cell Research
  • Geosciences
  • High Temperature/High Pressure Science 
  • Materials Performance
  • Methane Hydrates Research
  • Process Development
  • Reciprocating Engines Research
  • Remote Sensing
  • Sensors and Controls
  • Separations Science
  • Surface Science


Post-Master: Ten weeks to two year initial appointments renewable up to three years

Post-Doctoral: Ten weeks to two year initial appointments renewable up to five years


Graduates who received their master’s degree within the last three years, or doctorate within the last five years.


  • Stipend – All postgraduate appointments provide a monthly stipend based upon academic classification and experience.
  • Insurance – Stipend supplement for single or family medical insurance is provided for most appointments (restrictions apply).
  • Household Relocation – Awarded on a case-by-case basis, relocation supplements assist with moving your household goods from your current residence to the research center (restrictions may apply).
  • On-station Travel – Classified as travel during your appointment, on-station travel is designed to enhance your learning experience by promoting attendance at conferences, workshops, and other educational meetings. Awarded on a case-by-case basis.


Application is always open.

Search for available positions at

For more information, contact Terry Howard at (865) 574-6912


Research Mentor Training Workshop for Postdocs, Nov. 29

Research Mentor Training Workshop for Postdocs

Tuesday, November 29, 10:00 – 3:00 (lunch provided)

BioScience Research Collaborative, 6500 Main Street

This research mentor training workshop is designed specifically for postdocs who are mentoring graduate or undergraduate students.

Topics will include

• Maintaining Effective Communication

• Aligning Expectations

• Fostering Independence

• Cultivating Self-Efficacy


Andrew Bean, PhD, Professor, Neurobiology & Anatomy, UTHealth

Nisha Garg, PhD, Professor, Microbiology & Immunology, UT Medical Branch at Galveston

Victoria McDonnell, PhD, Project Director, Faculty & Academic Development, MD Anderson

Bob Tillman, PhD, Associate Director, Faculty & Academic Development, MD Anderson

Sponsored by the Gulf Coast Consortia.

Spaces are limited. To reserve a space, email dawnkoob by October 31.

Research Mentor Training_postdoc flyer 2016.pdf