Category Archives: Campus Announcements

PhD Career Finder and great recent threads

Versatile PhD Monthly Message

Greetings! I hope springtime is bringing you a sense of renewal.

Have you ever used the PhD Career Finder? Or has it been a while? This tool on the VPhD site helps you explore non-academic careers, narrow down your choices, and get a concrete start towards careers that actually interest you. Here’s a short tutorial to show you how to get the most from it.

There have also been some great threads in the forums lately:

· "How do you get people to want to help you?" – About networking and how to build the kind of constructive, helpful relationships that you really want.

· "Informational interviews: why?” – About understanding the purpose of informational interviews and whether they are really necessary.

· “Share your success stories”- In which people who are very happy in their non-academic careers explain why they are happy.

More details and links to each are here.

Finally, if you haven’t taken the national survey on graduate student and postdoc health and wellbeing, please do:

Your Loving Founder,

Paula Chambers, Ph.D.

Nanotechnology Postdoctoral Fellow-FDA

Nanotechnology Postdoctoral Fellow-FDA

Full details may be found here:

A research project opportunity is currently available at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Office of Regulatory Affairs (ORA), Arkansas Regional Laboratory. The postdoctoral fellow will collaborate with multi-disciplinary research efforts within the NCTR/ORA Nanotechnology Core Facility. Collaborative and research activities may include:

1. Development of hyphenated size-based separation techniques (e.g., asymmetric field flow fractionation, centrifugal field flow fractionation, capillary electrophoresis, liquid chromatography) using inductively coupled plasma/mass spectrometry (ICP/MS), MALS, DLS and optical absorbance detectors.

2. Development of methods to detect nanoparticles in complex matrix using single particle mode ICP/MS

The fellowship is within the Nanotechnology Core Facility where the following analytical techniques will be used to support these research activities: inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), asymmetric field flow fractionation (AFFF), centrifugal field flow fractionation(CFFF), x-ray diffraction (XRD), particle size analysis (multiple methods including dynamic light scattering, photon cross correlation spectroscopy, and particle tracking analysis), spectroscopy (FTIR, UV/VIS, fluorescence, XRF, Raman), atomic force microscopy (AFM), high resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS), and electron microscopy with elemental analysis capabilities.

For additional information and to apply:

Spring 2016 IBB Seminar Series at Rice University

As you may know, Rice University’s Institute of Biosciences and Bioengineering (IBB) will be celebrating its 30 year anniversary in 2016 since its establishment in 1986. Therefore, to commemorate this 30th anniversary, we are hosting an IBB Spring 2016 Seminar Series as a venue to showcase the new research and educational clusters that are emerging from the IBB faculty. Please mark your calendars, plan to come have lunch with us and learn more about these clusters. You are all invited!

The following speakers are confirmed for the Spring 2016 IBB Seminar Series:

Gang Bao – Pediatric Bioengineering – January 20, 2016

Ashok Veeraraghavan – Mobile Technology for Chronic Disease Prevention and Management – February 10, 2016

Ann Saterbak – Discovery Kitchen – February 17, 2016

Amy Dunham – Sustainability and Global Environment – March 9, 2016

Randi Martin – Neuroplasticity – April 6, 2016

All the above talks will take place on the indicated Wednesdays from 12-1 PM at the BioScience Research Collaborative (BRC 1003) located at 6500 Main Street, Houston, TX. Lunch will be served to those that RSVP.

You may RSVP for the January 20th talk at:

We hope to see you there!

All the best,


Stacey Kalovidouris, Ph.D.
Executive Director

Institute of Biosciences & Bioengineering

Rice University

6100 Main St. MS-144

Houston, TX 77005

T: 713-348-3719

F: 713-348-2196



Calendar of GPS Professional Development Events

Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies has compiled a Google Calendar of professional development opportunities for graduate students and postdocs. Feel free to add it to your collection of calendars, or to visit it on our homepage!

Link to GPS Professional Development Calendar: